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A Hilarious “Democrat” Joke That Will Infuriate Liberals

A Hilarious “Democrat” Joke That Will Infuriate Liberals

Eighth-Graders Given ‘Privilege Test’ … Here’s What Happened Next – by Robert Gehl

A questionnaire handed out to middle school students in Wisconsin tells them that if they’re white, they’re “privileged.”

The optional test was handed out to eighth-grade students at Badger Middle School in West Bend. The students had just read “To Kill a Mockingbird” and were discussing race and racism.

The 55 questions ranged from topics of sexuality to disabilities, religion and race. The district claims teachers wanted to start a conversation about “privilege” in America, Fox6Now reports, but many parent’s weren’t fond of the idea.

Parent Kim Goldman didn’t expect the questionnaire to prompt tough questions at home, but with statements like “I have never tried to hide my sexuality” or “I have never been catcalled,” what did they expect.

“Some of the language in the questionnaire I can see why, as a parent of a 13, 14-year-old eighth grader, some people may feel as though those are topics that should be discussed in the home and not the classroom,” said Badger Middle School Principal Dave Uelman.

The school has had this test before. District officials say they would have done things differently, but they stand behind the idea of the exercise.

“If we want our students to be successful when they go out into their careers in the future, they have to understand that not everyone is like them,” said Assistant Superintendent, Laura Jackson.

Kim Goldman hopes she can decide when those conversations might be appropriate, rather than the district.

“As a parent it’s my responsibility to teach my children the difference between right and wrong,” said Goldman.

Since the controversy, the district has decided to stop giving the test.

Here are all the questions that eighth-graders are told to answer on the Quiz. You tell me if any of these are inappropriate.

I am white.

I have never been discriminated against because of my skin color.

I have never been the only person of my race in a room.

I have never been mocked for my accent.

I have never been told I am attractive “for my race.”

I have never been a victim of violence because of my race.

I have never been called a racial slur.

I have never been told I “sound white.”

A stranger has never asked to touch my hair, or asked if it is real.

I am heterosexual.

I have never lied about my sexuality

I never had to “come out.”

I never doubted my parents’ acceptance of my sexuality.

I have never been called “fag.”

I have never been called “dyke.”

I have never been called a “fairy,” or any other derogatory slur for homosexuals.

I have never tried to hide my sexuality.

I am always comfortable with P.D.A. with my partner in public.

I have never pretended to be “just friends” with my significant other.

I have never been ostracized by my religion for my sexual orientation.

I have never been told I would “burn in hell” for my sexual orientation.

I have never been told that my sexuality is “just a phase.”

I have never been violently threatened because of my sexuality.

I am a man.

I feel comfortable in the gender I was born as.

I still identify as the gender I was born in.

I have never tried to change my gender.

I have never been denied an opportunity because of my gender.

I make more money than my professional counterparts of a different gender.

I have never felt unsafe because of my gender.

I have never been catcalled.

I have never been sexually harassed or assaulted.

I have never been raped.

I work in a salaried job.

My family and I have never lived below the poverty line.

I don’t have any student loans.

I have never gone to bed hungry.

I have never been homeless.

My parents pay some of my bills.

My parents pay all of my bills.

I don’t rely on public transportation.

I buy new clothes at least once a month.

I have never done my taxes myself.

I have never felt poor.

I have never had to worry about making rent.

I have never worked as a waiter, barista, bartender, or salesperson.

I have had an unpaid internship.

I have had multiple unpaid internships.

I went to summer camp.

I went to private school.

I graduated high school.

I went to an elite college.

I graduated college.

My parents paid (at least some of) my tuition.

I had a car in high school.

I’ve never had a roommate.

I’ve always had cable.

I have traveled internationally.

I travel internationally at least once a year.

I studied abroad.

I’ve never skipped a meal to save money.

I don’t know what “Sallie Mae” is.

I spent Spring Breaks abroad.

I have frequent flier miles.

My parents are heterosexual.

My parents are both alive.

My parents are still married.

I do not have any physical disabilities.

I do not have any social disabilities.

I do not have any learning disabilities.

I have never had an eating disorder.

I have never been depressed.

I have never considered suicide.

I have never attempted suicide.

I have never taken medication for my mental health.

I can afford medication if/when I need it.

I have never been…

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