Did you watch President Biden’s speech on his COVID-19 Action Plan? If you’re not mad and motivated to do something, then you might want to check your pulse for signs of life. The President is operating outside of his limitations, upending the very foundations of the Republic. We’ll tell you how to constitutionally fight back in this episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective and the plan to save American liberty and independence.

Action Items:

1) Like and share this video with others.

2) Read President Biden’s speech and his COVID dictates.

3) Read and share “COVID Vaccine Mandates: If I Don’t Want the Jab, What Are My Options?”

4) Visit our Countering COVID-19 Overreach page for tools and resources.

5) Apply for JBS membership and get involved.

6) Sign up for Legislative Action Alerts or text JBS to 800-527-8721.