Home Big Government Democrats Cut Mic on House Floor to Avoid Steve Scalise’s Impeachment Question

Democrats Cut Mic on House Floor to Avoid Steve Scalise’s Impeachment Question

Democrats Cut Mic on House Floor to Avoid Steve Scalise’s Impeachment Question

Watch as Democrats cut the mic on the House floor to avoid taking Steve Scalise’s question on impeachment:

So much for fair, impartial and transparent!

Partial transcript:

SCALISE: “Currently, Madam Speaker, in all three of those cases, the House has taken an actual vote — “

SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: “The gentleman is not stating a proper inquiry.”

SCALISE: “Madam Speaker, my parliamentary inquiry is this. Has the House — Madam Speaker, my parliamentary inquiry is this. Has the House been authorized to conduct an impeachment inquiry into President Trump?”

SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: “The gentleman is not stating a proper parliamentary inquiry.”

SCALISE: “Madam Speaker, we ought to know the answer to that question. Madam Speaker, either the House has started a parliamentary impeachment inquiry or not.”

SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: “Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 20, the unfinished business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from California, Mr. Takano.”

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