Home Left Wing Nut Jobs Gay Dem Candidate Mayor Pete Uses Scripture To Chastise Christians For Backing Trump

Gay Dem Candidate Mayor Pete Uses Scripture To Chastise Christians For Backing Trump

Gay Dem Candidate Mayor Pete Uses Scripture To Chastise Christians For Backing Trump

Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg, the gay Mayor of South Bend Indiana, is a rising star, even among some conservatives.

But this week he has done damage to that in several ways, the most recent being his attack on Evangelical Christians who support President Donald Trump.

“I can’t believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,” he said on the NBC program “Meet The Press.”

“Here, you have somebody who not only acts in a way that is not consistent with anything that I hear in scripture or in church, where it’s about lifting up the least among us and taking care of strangers, which is another word for immigrants,” he said.

“And making sure that you’re focusing your effort on the poor. But also personally, how you’re supposed to conduct yourself. Not chest thumping look-at-me-ism, but humbling yourself before others,” he said.

“We see the diametric opposite of that in this presidency. I think there was perhaps a cynical process where he decided to, for example, begin to pretend to be pro-life and govern accordingly,” he said.

“Which, he said, “was good enough to bring many Evangelicals over to his side.”

Saying that the Bible refers to the government using your taxes to take care of immigrants is a stretch but it is not his first one.

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Mayor Pete, as his supporters call him, has a knack for moving things to fit what he needs them to, like when he described his marriage as conservative.

“I saddens me because when I think about the blessings of marriage. First of all, it’s one of the most conservative things about my life, very conventional. It is morally one of the best things in my life,” he said to CNN.

“Being married to Chasten makes me a better person. I would even say it moves me closer to God,” he said.

“And so the idea that this of all things is what people are attacking each other over and excluding each other over, when God is love, we are taught,” he said.

“Of all the things to beat people up over on theological grounds, it just seems to me that loving shouldn’t be one of them. So it’s a painful thing to watch. I mean I get it, but…” he said.

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