Home Law Enforcement It’s NOT a ‘Police Problem’ — The Patriot Post

It’s NOT a ‘Police Problem’ — The Patriot Post

It’s NOT a ‘Police Problem’ — The Patriot Post

After the unjustified death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, leftists and their mainstream media outlets did what they do best — used one death as political fodder to support their agenda, which launched a murder, assault, burning, and looting campaign nationwide. They also launched a national movement vilifying ALL police as racists, insisting they are the frontline of what the Left errantly claims is a “systemically racist justice system.” Meanwhile, they are maintaining a deadly silence on the most lethal threat to black Americans — being murdered by other black Americans.

The latest of their absurd populist “defund the police” political charades is at the epicenter of the latest outrage, Minneapolis, where the city council unanimously passed a proposed amendment for Charter Commission consideration that would abolish the police department and replace it with the Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention (DCSVP).

According to Council President Lisa Bender, “It’s a structural change that allows us to invest in a holistic approach to safety, using evidence-based strategies using the brilliance and expertise of our staff from all different disciplines, with all different kinds of experience.” She added that the new agency “will have responsibility for public safety services prioritizing a holistic, public health-oriented approach,” and it will be headed by somebody with “non-law-enforcement experience in community safety services, including but not limited to public health and/or restorative justice approaches.”

The plan does not abolish police completely, as it allows some “licensed police officers” (as if current police officers have no qualifications) to work under the new DCSVP bureaucracy. Memo to violent felons — the Blue Wall is coming down, so get ready for open season in Minneapolis.

For the record, who was in charge when Floyd died? The Minneapolis mayor, city council president, police chief, county prosecutor, and U.S. House district representative are all Democrats. The Minnesota governor, state attorney general, and both Senate members are all Democrats. So where exactly does the change need to begin?

As for the Democrats’ disgraceful blame-shifting of their epic urban failures by claiming it’s a “police problem,” the words of one NYPD top cop who just resigned in protest of that condemnation sum up the issue that the majority of cops experience as they put their lives on the line for fellow citizens every day. NYPD’s Deputy Inspector Richard Brea, who received a hero’s farewell last week, including an NYPD helicopter fly-by and NYPD bagpipers, declared as he departed his Bronx precinct, “[Cops’] blood is in the concrete of every street corner, but these politicians don’t want to remember that. They want to blame and vilify everyone here. I won’t have that. No sir.”

Meanwhile, New York City, like Chicago and many other urban centers, is spiraling into a lawless pit.

After a lifetime observing how the Left has manipulated black constituents, Walter E. Williams notes, “The true plight of black people has little or nothing to do with the police or what has been called ‘systemic racism,’” adding, “We need to look at the responsibilities of those running our big cities.”

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