Home Military Liberal Logic On Transgenders In the Military BRUTALLY Exposed

Liberal Logic On Transgenders In the Military BRUTALLY Exposed

Liberal Logic On Transgenders In the Military BRUTALLY Exposed

Calvin Freiburger reports that the Left is howling with indignation over President Donald Trump’s announcement that so-called transgendered Americans will not be allowed to serve in the military. But instead of browbeating conservatives for our alleged “hate” of trans people, perhaps they should spend some time listening to the firsthand experiences of one.

The Daily Signal has published a piece by Walt Heyer, who supports Trump’s decision…and “as someone who lived as trans-female for several years,” he writes, “I should know.”

Heyer is an author, public speaker, and proprietor of SexChangeRegret.com. He sees it as his mission to educate the public about people who have suffered “tragic consequences” following…

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