Home Mainstream Media New Cartoon Shows Why Mainstream Media Cannot Be Trusted EVER

New Cartoon Shows Why Mainstream Media Cannot Be Trusted EVER

New Cartoon Shows Why Mainstream Media Cannot Be Trusted EVER

We all know the mainstream media hates President Trump, but the degree of hate may be surprising to some people:

Media Bias Reaches 91 Percent Against Trump — by Robert Gehl

We knew the media was biased, but this is insane.


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In the first two months of the new year, the mainstream media has continued their non-stop assault on President Donald Trump with overwhelmingly negative coverage.

In fact, it’s almost an exact repeat of 2017 – coverage that is more than 90 percent negative.

An analysis by the Media Research center, who publish Newsbusters, reported that the three major news networks – ABC, CBS and NBC – had coverage that was 91 perceng negative.

They looked at all 505 evening news stories mentioning Trump or the Trump Administration in January and February of 2018 and discovered that of the 851 total minutes of newstime, almost 25 percent was spent on the Russia investigation, more than any other topic.

Adding other so-called scandals, like the domestic abuse allegations about White House Aide Rob Porter and Michael Wolfe’s book Fire and Fury, Trump’s “shithole” comments about some third-world countries and others, they counted 63 percent of all the coverage.

Other important policy issues, like gun control, the government shutdown and immigration reform received relatively little airtime.

The tax cuts received a total of nine minutes of airtime and the almost-defeat of ISIS and al-Qaeda received less than two minutes.

Our analysts also measured the spin of coverage by tallying all evaluative statements about the President and his top officials uttered by anchor, reporters or non-partisan news sources such as experts or voters. Out of a total of 712 such evaluative comments, only 65 were positive (9%) vs. 647 which were negative, or 91 percent. (Neutral statements, as well as the comments of partisans, were excluded from this measure).

That amounts to 91 percent negative coverage, which is the same for all of 2017.

“Without question, no President has ever been on the receiving end of such hostile coverage, for such a sustained period of time, as has Trump — and the midterm elections are still eight months away,” they write.

Media analyst Howard Kurtz said Trump and the media are hellbent on destroying each other.

“The past two years have radicalized me,” Kurtz writes. “I am increasingly troubled by how many of my colleagues have decided to abandon any semblance of fairness out of a conviction that they must save the country from Trump.”

Kurtz characterizes the news media as underestimating candidate Trump, and asserts several times that he recognized the insurgent Republican’s electoral potential when other pundits dismissed him. “The truth is that I wasn’t pro-Trump at all, I was pro-reality,” he writes.

“It turns out they were the ones who failed to recognize what was unfolding before their eyes,” Kurtz writes of the news media. “It was the most catastrophic media failure in a generation.”

In his book, Kurtz says he doesn’t like either political party and believes “even the best politicians can be self-serving hypocrites.” Still, at Fox News, Kurtz’s criticism generally falls in line with the right-leaning network’s running critique of the news media as clouded by liberal bias and often hostile to conservatives. During the campaign, Kurtz charged the news media with “anti-Trump “bias” and last year said anchors had crossed the line in their coverage of the new president.

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