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Socialists, Communists, Terrorists, Globalists Run the Show

Socialists, Communists, Terrorists, Globalists Run the Show

From the print edition of The New American:

“Wherever help is needed and people are suffering you will find dedicated United Nations staff contributing their time, assistance and expertise to positively transform lives and make the world a safer and better place for this and future generations.”

The self-serving accolade above comes to us from the United Nations’ web page aimed at attracting new careerists for the global organ-ization’s ever-burgeoning workforce. Sounds very noble and idealistic, right? Too bad the ugly reality of the UN’s record clashes violently with the recruitment propaganda of the UN’s image polishers.

Undoubtedly there are some noble and virtuous idealists among the tens of thousands of UN employees operating across the globe, but the sad truth is that for an organization that bills itself as a champion of human rights and humanitarian concerns, the United Nations has amassed an appalling record of support for totalitarianism, corruption, terrorism, and oppression. And its employees — from top officials to low-level apparatchiks — have been caught nonstop in terrible scandals: bribery, embezzlement, sex trafficking, narcotics trafficking, murder, mass rape, torture, child pornography, child sex trade, and on and on.

This sordid record should not surprise anyone, since represented among the 194 nations that make up the membership of the UN we have some of the worst mass-murdering regimes in the history of the world. This includes countries that are still openly communist, one-party dictatorships — China, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea — and “former” communist countries that are still run dictatorially by “former” communists — Russia, Ka-zahkstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Romania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, etc. — as well as brutal Islamist regimes and run-of-the-mill corrupt kleptocracies.

An important indication of the hard-left ideological tilt of the UN is the strong anti-American voting of the General Assembly. This was displayed recently with that body’s overwhelming vote (187 to 3) on November 7 to condemn the United States’ economic embargo of communist Cuba. Only Israel and Brazil stood with the United States. This was a repetition of many previous votes on the same issue over many years. For decades, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro held a cult-like following among the UN’s so-called Non-Aligned Nations. This reporter has attended UN sessions and summits where Fidel was greeted with rapturous pandemonium by virtually the entire UN assembly, including the world press corps. Castro’s passing and the repeated exposure of his crimes and despotism have not lessened his appeal to the UN globocrats.

However, it is not only the foreign diplomats and bureaucrats who exhibit animus toward America and a sympathy for totalitarianism. The American citizens working for the UN or representing the United States at the UN often have been among the worst anti-American, pro-tyranny subversives in the organization. As far back as 1952, U.S. Senator James O. Eastland (D-Miss.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, stated, after extensive hearings: “I am appalled at the extensive evidence indicating that there is today in the UN among the American employees there, the greatest concentration of Communists that this Committee has ever encountered…. These people occupy high positions. They have very high salaries and almost all of these people have, in the past, been employees in the U.S. government in high and sensitive positions.”

Alger Hiss, advisor to President Franklin Roosevelt and acting secretary-general at the UN founding conference in San Francisco, was the UN’s most notorious Soviet agent. But there were many more: Soloman Adler, Virginius Frank Coe, Lawrence Duggan,  Noel Field, Harold Glasser, Victor Perlo, Nathan G. Silvermaster, Harry Dexter White, and others. However, in addition to the communists, there was an additional category of subversives who worked with and assisted the communists: globalists, particularly those associated with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Alger Hiss was both a communist and a globalist member of the CFR. Our State Department, along with much of our federal bureaucracy and foreign-policy establishment, align with the globalist camp, and the leading globalists are invariably members of the CFR. They are working feverishly to sabotage President Trump’s “America First” policies and to continue the UN-globalist decades-long effort to create a socialist world government.

In our survey below, we have space only to highlight the backgrounds and records of a relatively few of the most important UN officials who are guiding what they call the “total transformation” of society and the planet. We are drawing particular attention to the huge influence of the Socialist International, a global coalition of socialist and rebranded communist parties that holds tremendous sway at the UN and in its many agencies. For decades, The New American has been virtually alone in exposing the Socialist International takeover of the UN; the Fake News Media have carefully avoided mention of this important issue.

Likewise, they have assiduously censored one of the most alarming developments of recent years: the takeover of many of the UN’s key posts by Communist China, which The New American’s Alex Newman has extensively covered over the past several years. In addition, with the so-called collapse of communism in the Soviet Union, we have seen a flood of new countries from the former USSR and Warsaw Pact into the UN. Many of them are still run by lifelong communists relabeled as “social democrats” or some such thing, and they have greatly multiplied the communist presence at the UN headquarters in New York, as well as in the UN’s vast bureaucracy around the world. Within six months of beginning operation in 1946, the UN Secretariat staff had expanded 10 times in size, from 300 to 3,000. “Since 1946,” the UN website boasts, “the Organization has gradually transformed itself into a global Secretariat with a workforce that now numbers some 44,000 specialized men and women.” This vast mob of globocrats operates a mammoth bureaucracy that encompasses dozens of specialized agencies, funds, programs, committees, and commissions. American taxpayers have the privilege of picking up much of the tab for this. The United States is assessed 22 percent of the UN’s annual budget, more than double the next highest contributor, Japan (9.68 percent), and nearly triple China’s contribution (7.92 percent).

Here are some of the most significant individuals running this immense globalist operation that we are financing:

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres — A former socialist prime minister of Portugal, Guterres went on to serve as vice-president of the Socialist International (SI) and SI president from 1999-2005. He left that post to accept the position of United Nations high commissioner for refugees (UNHCR), a post he held for 10 years. Most notable among his “achievements” there was the mass migration policy of the UN and the European Union that swamped Europe with a couple million Muslim “refugees,” while ignoring the cries of the genuine Christian refugees who were (and are) being slaughtered in Muslim-dominated nations. As a reward for his destructive migration policies, Guterres was elevated to Secretary-General of the entire UN. “The Socialist International offers its warm congratulations to António Guterres, who was confirmed today by acclamation as the formal choice of the UN Security Council as its nominee to become the ninth secretary-general of the United Nations,” the Socialist International leadership declared on October  6, 2016. “Guterres is well known to the global social democratic family, having served as prime minister of Portugal from 1995-2002, and president of the Socialist International.” Among the many attacks on freedom and national sovereignty that Guterres has been aggressively promoting as secretary-general are the UN’s fraudulent global-warming hoax known as the Paris Climate Accord, and Agenda 2030, the UN blueprint for total control over the entire environment and all humanity (in other words, everything) in the name of “sustainable development.” Guterres has also been critically important in assisting Beijing in its efforts to place its communist agents in charge of many critical UN positions. 

All of this has endeared Gutteres to the globalist establishment, earning him invitations to the secretive Bilderberg gatherings and honored appearances at the Council on Foreign Relations, European Council on Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum, and other confabs of the internationalist set.

World Bank Group President David R. Malpass — Former U.S. treasury under secretary and Wall Street insider (Bear Stearns) David R. Malpass was named as 13th president of the World Bank Group on April 5, 2019. Besides being a CFR member, Malpass has served on the boards of the Rockefeller family’s Council of the Americas, and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, one of the most important globalist organizations that have been promoting the transfer of technology, manufacturing plants, and financial aid to Communist China for the past four dec-ades. He has also been a chief lobbyist for ever-larger U.S. taxpayer financing of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

Secretary-General of the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Houlin Zhao — Incredibly, the United Nations has gotten away with naming an agent of the most repressive regime in the world, and the one most guilty of Orwellian censorship and omnipresent spying on its own citizens, to be the head of the UN agency that seeks to become the ruling authority over the Internet. UN officials and the pro-UN establishment press have been remarkably soft on Zhao’s comments concerning communist China’s draconian censorship and harsh penalties for Internet free-speech…

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