Home Big Government What Republicans Versus Democrats Stand For, In One Cartoon

What Republicans Versus Democrats Stand For, In One Cartoon

What Republicans Versus Democrats Stand For, In One Cartoon

The cartoon below brutally illustrates the harsh difference between Republicans and Democrats.

One party wants to make America great again, while the other wants to make America Venezuela.

It’s capitalism versus socialism.

Shared prosperity or shared misery.

Seems a pretty easy choice, at least to us:


Why any working man would support the Democrat party, is beyond our comprehension.

Speaking of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders’ favorite country:

In Venezuela – the world’s socialist paradise – civil society has broken down to such a degree that not only are automobiles disappearing, but public transportation has shut down. A Reuters reporter made a visit recently, and it’s tragic what unbridled socialism can do:

On a recent afternoon, a crowd of hundreds massed on the sidewalk outside an exit from the subway in the central Venezuelan city of Valencia.

But when a flatbed truck previously used to transport water bottles pulled up nearby, a ruthless scramble kicked off with pregnant women, parents holding toddlers and elderly Venezuelans all jostling to get themselves aboard.

In this once-thriving industrial city as in much of the country, public buses have gradually disappeared due to scarce or prohibitively expensive tires, motor oil, batteries and spare parts.

Rather than cars with seats, now the primary public transportation are cargo trucks.

The “dog carts,” as they are informally known in Caracas, tend to squeeze standing passengers – mostly poor Venezuelans – into the backs of the large vehicles.

“It’s tough. I’m tired on the way there, tired on the way back, I feel terrible,” said exhausted homemaker Angelica Gomez, wiping sweat from her brow as she climbed into a flatbed truck with metal railings on the sides.

And these are Venezuela’s taxis now. The drivers charge fares and have regular schedules.

Similar forms of transport have been common in developing countries and struggling economies in recent decades, but are rarely seen in oil-rich countries such as Venezuela. Other countries have also made an effort to provide safer public transit options.

These “Dog Carts” are becoming as common as busses in Venezuela now. There used to be 280,000 busses in the country, but that number has dwindled almost 90 percent.

The country of 30 million is suffering through a fifth straight year of economic collapse. Officially, annual inflation stands at an unfathomable 46,000 percent.

Opposition lawmaker Nora Bracho estimates 39 people have died and around 275 have been injured so far this year in accidents involving unlicensed modes of public transit.

Accidents are often due to poorly maintained vehicles with bald tires or insufficient oil as well as reckless drivers, according to passengers and union leaders.

In violence-rife Venezuela, the chaos on these trucks can also be targeted by criminals.

Andreina Leal, a 36-year-old hairdresser, was robbed of her cellphone and cash during a recent trip on a truck in the western state of Tachira.

“I run the risk of falling, so I hang on tightly to the truck,” said Leal as she waited for another truck to pick her up. “I was already robbed once because I was so focused on not falling.”

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